29 December 2008


"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian."
-Paul McCartney

Hhhmm... I am trying to decide how long I have been a vegetarian. It was the middle or end of March. If I really wanted to know the exact date, I could just look in my journal. I am too lazy right now. Anyways, people are always asking me why I am a vegetarian. Health reasons? No. Meat grosses you out when you think about the fact you are eating a dead carcass? Nope. Ethical reasons? Ding-ding-ding. We have a winner!

My sister decided to be a vegetarian just over a year ago after seeing a cow get slaughtered on TV. At first she didn't eat beef because it made her sick, but soon enough she couldn't eat any meat. Then early on this year, my brother asked me why I wasn't a vegetarian. Duh! Because I think meat tastes yummy! He went on to explain that he thought it was strange I was such a big animal lover and yet I didn't mind the fact that animals were killed for my enjoyment (not that I enjoy watching them killed or anything, but I enjoy eating them). I thought about that for a while and I finally I decided to do some research. Big mistake!

I went to the PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, website and started reading about the conditions in slaughterhouses and what animals had to go through. Of course that made me feel terrible! After reading about it, I went and watched their little videos that were supposed to make people want to stop eating meat. I can even remember the names of them, 'Meet Your Meat', & 'Chew On This'. Watching those two videos wasn't the best idea I ever had. I bawled like a baby. Seriously, I cried for like four hours. It was just horrible!

After that night, I stopped eating meat. And I'm not going to say it was easy. It was really hard. Especially at first. I really couldn't imagine a meal without meat as the main course. I craved it like mad and every time I saw someone eating it, I wanted it! It got better though. Now I don't really even think about it. One day I hope to be a vegan, but I really can't imagine cutting milk and eggs. Think about how many food items that eliminates! Bread, tortillas, most pasta, etc. Those are staples! Can't imagine not eating bread and such. Maybe one day I won't be so selfish. Haha. Oh well, being vegetarian is better than nothing!

I am quite proud of myself. When my sister first told me she was going to be a vegetarian, I laughed. I think I even made fun of her a bit. And I can remember thinking, 'I could never give up meat'. Funny thing is, every time someone finds out I am a vegetarian they say the exact same thing. Now don't think I am trying to talk you into becoming a vegetarian. I'm definitely not. I think it is one of those things you would have to decide for yourself. And no it doesn't bug me to be around meat or to watch people eat meat. In fact, I think my sister is the only vegetarian I know....yep. So everyone besides her eats meat in front of me! Anyways....that's it. The end!

"Dear Lord, I've been asked, nay commanded, to thank Thee for the Christmas turkey before us... a turkey which was no doubt a lively, intelligent bird... a social being... capable of actual affection... nuzzling its young with almost human-like compassion. Anyway, it's dead and we're gonna eat it. Please give our respects to its family." -Berke Breathed

Side note: About the picture of the bunny, I know we don't eat bunnies, but you have to admit it is a pretty cute little thing. Anyways...

28 December 2008

Christmas Camera

So I really wanted a fancy camera for Christmas this year and Santa definitely came through for me! I got a Nikon d90 with two amazing lenses, a camera bag, and a big memory card. I am pretty much obsessed with him. I haven't decided what to name him yet. Hhmm.... One of these days I guess.

I have always loved photography ever since I took a class on it in high school. Unfortunately I had to use a really crappy camera for the class so I didn't learn as much as I should have. In class we would learn about all these different settings you could adjust but since my camera didn't have those settings... I didn't learn them. Now I am a bit overwhelmed at all the settings on this big guy.

Well one of the reasons I wanted a nice camera was to take pictures of the sunset. I love sunsets. Every time I see a one, (on my way home from work usually) I always wish I could take a high quality photo of it. So I finally have my camera and yesterday, 27 December 2008, I got to take pictures of a sunset! Here is a few of my favorites...

My favorite is definitely the third one. I love the clouds and partially frozen lake. As I keep taking more pictures I am sure I will improve. I also need to learn how to use photoshop. I'm sure some people will look at these and shudder because I have not edited them. One of these days I'll buy it and learn all about it. Anyways, hooray for a new camera and pictures of a beautiful sunset!

First time blogger...

Well, I decided to start a blog. First my friend Cali suggested I start one, and then I got an amazing camera for Christmas. So I figured if I am going to take lots of pictures, I need somewhere to put them. This blog is a place for me to post pictures, blab about my life, and tell you all about my cats! Which by the way is why I called my blog 'the crazy cat lady'...because I am a crazy cat lady. At least I will be one day... Anyways, welcome. Enjoy! Hopefully I will keep this thing updated!