First of all, Angie is home! Yay! She has been in Kampsville, IL for six weeks. She was chosen to be a part of an Archaeology Field School that is sponsored by Arizona State University. Ang had an amazing time and while she is definitely glad to be home, she also misses it! However, she leaves for Peru in a month to do another Archaeology Field School through UVU so she wont be here for long. I have missed her like crazy, and will be sad to see her go again. Hooray for great opportunities though.
Ang was not supposed to be home until Thursday (depending on how fast she drove... it is like a 19 hour drive...), so we were definitely suprised to see her. I was still semi-sleeping and she jumped on me. I turned, looked at her, garbled something, and then rolled back over. A few second later it hit me that Angie was home so I sat up and was like 'oh!' It was a very nice surprise! Unfortunately, Ang had to come home early because the girl that was driving home with her wanted to leave. So while all along she had planned on staying until Wednesday, on Saturday the other girl threw a fit so they came home. Good for us, bad for her!
Hhmmm.... What else? We went to Wolf Creek at the end of June. Since I had school I could only go up on the weekend and then the end of the week. So the first weekend, me, my mom, and Miss Lucy (her parents were in St. George so we were watching her) went up and met Adam, Sandy, Cassie, and Peter. We didn't do much... Went swimming... Played games... We went home Sunday night and then headed back on on Thursday. This time, Emilie and Lucy came up with us. That was nice, because Emilie had never been even though she's been in the family for a looooong time. We did pretty much the same thing... We went swimming, watched a couple of movies... Nothing too exciting. Here is Lucy in her swimsuit and sun hat. She was pretty cute! It was her first time swimming and she loved it!

Well, that's about it for now. My good friend Cali is coming over after work today to hang out with me and Angie. We might go to a movie or just rent one. Ang has been sleeping pretty much all day because she got zero sleep in Illinois. I'll post more pictures of Wolf Creek later. I haven't unloaded them all off my camera yet. Farewell for now!