Ang bought Lucy this shirt in Arizona at an Archaeology Convention. I was supposed to take pictures of Lucy in it since she got it... Which was a while ago. Anyways, I finally took some last week. Enjoy!
Well today I went to Lucy's 'official' bday party. It was a lot of fun, and she looked so adorable. It was down at Michael and Emilie's house today at 1pm. We all just talked for a bit and then Lucy opened her presents. Then, Lucy got to eat a cupcake. She loved that! Well, here are some of the pictures I took.... Enjoy!
This is Danika, daughter of Mike and Jacky Garlick. She is a doll! I have been watching her while Jacky goes to class this semester. My mom said I should start advertising my babysitting services.... Not!
Well, overall it was a good day. I got to talk to Ang tonight for over an hour. It was nice to talk to her! It has been a while! She called the other day but I didn't get it because I was at the gym. I felt so bad! Things are good her way, she is still safe and happy. Keep staying that way bud. Love you, miss you.