Modern Genocide is definitely my favorite so far. An added bonus of that class is that I am taking it with Ang. Good times. Our teacher (who is from England and amazing) thought it was pretty hilarious that we were sisters. I guess it is unusual to have siblings in a college class. Another cool thing about it is that through the class we have the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. to go to the Holocaust Museum. I am way excited about going! It will be an amazing trip.
One of the highlights of school so far is when Ang & I were sitting in the hallway & she randomly started whistling the National Anthem. Heh heh. Or the guy that walked past us & belched super loud & said 'excuse me'. Or the guy next to me in Contract Law that was shortening his nails with a switchblade. Or the girl in Contract Law who told the professor that she wasn't peeling her banana correctly because that wasn't how the monkeys did it. Crazy people.
Anyways, that's all for now. Hopefully school continues to go well. Not too much homework yet, but I imagine that will change pretty soon! Bye for now.