Anyways, we have had Lincoln since mid-November. Before that, Michael and Emilie had him. My brother is a project manager for a company that builds homes, and discovered Lincoln fenced into the porch stairs of a home he was inspecting. He broke one of the stairs, pulled him out, and took him home. He was starving and all of his claws were broken from trying to escape. They gave him warm milk and sliced meat, and he started doing much better. He did, however, have an infected eye and we wanted to make sure he was healthy. Michael and Emilie were in the process of moving into a new home, so my sister and I offered to take him to the vet. Big mistake.
We took him to the vet and got him some eye drops. Other than his eye, he was a healthy little bugger. At this point, he only weighed one pound. We decided to keep him until we could get him neutered and then put him up for adoption. He needed to weight at least two pounds to get fixed. He stayed with me in my room for a few weeks and finally started gaining some weight. We then got him his vaccines and fixed. By this point, me and my sister loved the little guy and couldn't give him up. After giving my parents some sad faces (a lot of them actually), we got permission to keep him.
He is an adorable little cat. When we first got him home, he was pretty skittish, but now he is much more social. He gets along with our other cats except for Nora. She doesn't like him, but we are working on that. He loves to gallop around the house and bite my toes when I am sleeping. Lincoln also likes to paw me in the face in the middle of the night. I don't get it. He thinks his litter box is his personal playground and likes to kick litter over the sides (pretty annoying). Lincoln also likes to play with toys and explore the house. He somehow always has lint and dust on his back. And, as you can see, he loves getting his picture taken.

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