We made a big sandwich on a loaf of french bread and just had some chips. I personally made a fake hamburger... yum! Then for desert we decided to make two pound cakes; a chocolate and a plain. We then took some batter out of both cakes in order to make Lucy a mini-cake that she could eat. I made some cream cheese frosting and Ang frosted her cake. And yes, I documented the making of these cakes with lots of pictures!

Pretty cute, huh? We probably had too much fun making the little cake, but it was worth it!
For the party, we got animal plates, napkins, and hats, and then we blew up some balloons. We even made a small balloon for Lucy that she had tied around her wrist.

So, after we ate and then opened presents, we took Lucy's dress off and plopped her in front of her cake. We sang, and lit the candle (which Em had to blow out), and then waited. At first she just looked at it, but finally we got a fork and gave her a small bite, and she was off! She did pretty good eating her cake, and looked pretty adorable doing it! Somewhere along the way she lost her birthday hat, but that's okay!

Here is her cake after she finished... She did pretty good!

Overall it was a pretty fun night! Sorry there are so many pictures!
Well, Ang had been in Peru now for almost a week and I miss her like crazy! She called us Wednesday night at midnight when she got to Lima. She was at a hostel that they were spending the night at. The next day they took a 10 hour bus ride to Chiclayo (I think...). We finally heard from her tonight. She was able to call us through the internet and we were all glad to hear she was safe and happy!
If you read this Ang, I love you and miss you! I can't wait until you come home! Stay safe!