The drive this time around was rather eventful. First, I hit a bird. It was so sad! It made me tear up! I am such a softy! We also saw two deer, but fortunately didn't hit them! Then we passed two vehicles, which sounds boring but it was my first time passing someone. Lame since I have been driving for like six years, but it was exciting! On the way home we had to pull off to the side to let past a couple of emergency vehicles pass, which was creepy since it was pitch black & we were in the middle of nowhere. And then I ran over a carcass of some sort. Gross! I am kind of convinced that whatever I ran over wasn't dead but Ang & Cali assured me that it was dead. So either they don't want me to feel awful or I have gone crazy.
The first time the three of us went was quite a while ago & we saw (unfortunately) 'The Lightning Thief'. We took the Sequoia that time because it was freezing. This time we saw 'Despicable Me' (adorable) & took the Tundra. It was way more comfortable! We blew up a queen size mattress in the bed of the truck & took tons of pillows and blankets (see Ang & Cali below & ignore the bad quality...I took it with my phone). Another fun thing was we saw lots of shooting stars, and off in the distance there was almost constant lightning.

So after the movie, I was alone in the back of the truck trying to deflate the air mattress & I burped really loud. It was one of the rare occasions that I have carbonation. Anyways, I looked up and this guy in his car was staring at me. I was mortified! I was like, "Ohhh... Sorry." And he was like, "You burp louder than most guys! No wonder they are making you ride in the back of the truck!" Then he drove away. Ang & Cali found it rather amusing, but I was rather embarrassed! Oh well. I can't wait until our next drive-in adventure!
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