After dinner, Frank came & picked us up to take us to Corrymeela. We left around 9:30pm & got here around midnight. The best part was that the bus couldn't make it all the way up the narrow road to Corrymeela, so we had to walk up in the dark. We got organized into rooms & then we all pretty much crashed. This morning, we got moving at 8:30am for breakfast (which was delicious porridge) & then I showered real quick before our sessions began. The sessions were run by a guy named Paul & were pretty interesting. No one was quite sure what this stop of our journey was going to be like, but we basically talk about what we have learned & do some little activities based around that.
John showed up around 4:30pm to pick Ang up, so we took a break & all said goodbye. It was hard to see her go & I will miss her very much. She is off to Kampsville, Illinois to work at an archeological dig for the rest of the summer. I won't see her again until mid-August. Sad! Anyways, she took off & we finished up our session before we ate dinner. We had another session after dinner & then I took off on a walk. It is so beautiful here. I wouldn't get anything done because I would just wander around all day. I took some pictures, had some good quality alone time... And now I am about to go to bed. I still am not quite over my cold so I need to get some sleep. I am tired of coughing! Mainly because I feel bad for everyone else. Anyways, that's about it...
Bye Ang! I love you! Be safe & have so much fun!

This is where we are staying. It is in an amazing location. I would definitely live here.

Isn't this little guy adorable? I tried to communicate with him but he just continued to chew on his grass.

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