Today, we saw the Writer's Museum, the Book of Kells, the Long Room, the National Library, & the National Gallery. We ate lunch at a little cafe & had dinner at the Temple Bar. After dinner we headed back to the hostel so that we could get packed for tomorrow. Anyways, it was a pretty fun day & we were able to see a lot. I really liked Dublin this time around & am glad we were able to spend a few days here.
I am ready to go home, but I am also a little sad. I am going to miss this place! The beautiful countryside, the sheep, the nice people... It has been so amazing. I am also going to miss the people. I have made some great friends here & probably wont be seeing much of them once we return home. I imagine we'll all get busy & just wont have the time. Sad. Anyways... I'd like to thank a few people in particular...
Katina. You are an amazing person. I am so glad that we were able to get to know each other on this trip & have some late night conversations (even though we kept getting in trouble... sorry Ang). And by the way... You owe me some vegetarian food.
Gregorious. What would I have done without you on this trip? You are great & I am thrilled that we have a class together as soon as we get back. Thank you for being amazing & putting up with me. Good luck on Sunday!
Pam-Cake. Thanks for letting me call you Pam-Cake. I am glad we got to know each other! Thanks for hanging out with me & Ang, & for being so fun. Enjoy your continuing vacation!
Torben. It's too bad you were only with us for a week but... it was a pretty spectacular one. Thank you for the bus ride from Corrymeela to Dublin. I truly appreciate that... more than you might know. You have so much talent & I can't wait to see more of your work. (By the way, you should check him out... Here.)
Ang. Oh Ju Ju Bees. You are the best sister & friend anyone could ever have. I am so glad we went on this journey together & can't wait to see you again! Have so much fun in Kampsville! I love you!
Everyone else. Thanks for making the trip great! It was amazing to meet all of you & I hope to see you in the hallways one day!
Well... It's about time to go to bed. Our bus is picking us up at 7am, which is way too early. Next time I come on here... I'll be in Utah! Hooray!

I'm not sure why Greg wanted to try & climb this ladder... But he did. And he didn't make it.

Dear Greg. Thank you for putting on this mask & making my day better. Sincerely, Anna.

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