28 December 2008

Christmas Camera

So I really wanted a fancy camera for Christmas this year and Santa definitely came through for me! I got a Nikon d90 with two amazing lenses, a camera bag, and a big memory card. I am pretty much obsessed with him. I haven't decided what to name him yet. Hhmm.... One of these days I guess.

I have always loved photography ever since I took a class on it in high school. Unfortunately I had to use a really crappy camera for the class so I didn't learn as much as I should have. In class we would learn about all these different settings you could adjust but since my camera didn't have those settings... I didn't learn them. Now I am a bit overwhelmed at all the settings on this big guy.

Well one of the reasons I wanted a nice camera was to take pictures of the sunset. I love sunsets. Every time I see a one, (on my way home from work usually) I always wish I could take a high quality photo of it. So I finally have my camera and yesterday, 27 December 2008, I got to take pictures of a sunset! Here is a few of my favorites...

My favorite is definitely the third one. I love the clouds and partially frozen lake. As I keep taking more pictures I am sure I will improve. I also need to learn how to use photoshop. I'm sure some people will look at these and shudder because I have not edited them. One of these days I'll buy it and learn all about it. Anyways, hooray for a new camera and pictures of a beautiful sunset!

1 comment:

Calipalooza said...

Awesome pics. You've got talent!