27 June 2009

Dear Thief:

Thank you for paying me a visit sometime during the last week or so. I really appreciate you popping my trunk, and taking me and my sister's longboards. Especially when they are irreplaceable. Mine was given to me by my parents for Christmas a few years back. My sister's was given to her by friends four years ago, when she got a promotion. I loved that I had to replace both of them for about $350, especially now that I quit my job in order to go to school. However, I am disappointed that although you were able to unwire one of my subs, you were too big of a dumb ass to uninstall them completely. Anyways, just writing to say you are amazing!

1 comment:

Calipalooza said...

What? Are you kidding me? I'm so sorry. People suck, but so does karma. They'll get theirs. I'm really sorry for your loss. I'm dreading work tomorrow because you won't be there. It probably won't be bearable. I hate my life. :)