10 November 2010

Red-Eye, The Colbert Report, & Taxi's

Well, we are in New York. We drove my sister Angie's 4Runner to the airport and parked in the long term parking lot. From there, you take a bus to the airport. We got on a bus and were at our terminal when I realized that I left my wallet in the car. Nice. So we stayed on the bus (the driver rolled his eyes when we told him we forgot something), went back to the car, got my wallet, and then finally made it to the airport. We checked in, went through security, and then hung out until the plane boarded (see how attractive we looked above). There were two little girls on the plane with us that were wearing footie pajamas. I decided that next time I travel, I'll wear footie pajamas on the plane. I think it would be quite comfortable. Anyways, the flight was pretty awful. I was exhausted but just couldn't fall asleep. It was a vicious cycle. I would try for a while & then after I was unsuccessful, glare at everyone else that magically were able to sleep. Then I would change my music or put the TV on low... Seeing if anything made a difference. Nope. It was no bueno.

So we arrived at JFK at 6am local time (which is 4am at home...) and took a very full shuttle to our hotel. We are staying at the same Marriott we stayed at last time. It's nice because it is familiar and we know the area a little bit. We got to the hotel at about 8am and luckily they had a room ready for us. Then we went and dropped off our stuff in our room and then ate breakfast at their buffet. Hooray for Belgian waffles. And naps. Which is what we did next...

After our nap we got subway passes and took the subway to 50th street. We wandered around for a bit and then ate dinner at a little place called 'City Light Diner'. I got a grilled cheese. It was pretty good, but then again... It's hard to mess up a grilled cheese sandwich. After that we headed over to the Colbert Report. I had been trying to get tickets to the Colbert Report for over a month and was finally able to nab some a few days before we left. We got in line at about 4:45pm and waited... For a long time.

Finally around 6pm we were handed a little ticket (pictured above) and they started letting small groups of people into the building. Once inside, they searched our stuff and sent us through a metal detector. Then they crammed us all into a little room, where we waited. Once again, for a long time. While we waited though I got to take a picture with him! Well, a painting of him anyways (see below)... Around 7pm we were lead to our seats and they had a local comedian come out & entertain us. He was pretty funny. Very clever, which is always good. Then he introduced Stephen Colbert.

Colbert came out & did a Q&A session, out of character. It was interesting to hear him talk normal. Not that he doesn't talk normal but... Anyways, after some questions they started the show. It was so much fun being there in person. Martha Stewart was the guest so he cooked for her. It was hilarious. At the end of the show he went around and handed out his creation (mustard mixed with mayo, on saltine crackers). He is amazing at what he does. He would do a segment and then take a commercial break, during which, he would entertain the audience. I am so glad we were able to go! And tomorrow night... We are going to the Jon Stewart show. I am not as excited for his show, but it should still be fun.

After the show, we caught a taxi & went back to the hotel. I logged on Skype & was able to talk to Ang for a bit & tell her about our day. I sure wish she was with us! Then we went to Duane Reade, the most adorable little drug store. They have a ton of them throughout New York.

Well we are in our room for the night & will probably go to sleep pretty quick. I took all of the pictures today on my cell (hence the poor quality...) but tomorrow I'll be out & about with my camera. Goodnight everyone!

1 comment:

Calipalooza said...

I'm glad you're having fun! Take lots of pictures!